Before unpausing, access the intrigue tab and choose the option to demand a trial by combat.Cultivate greensight and skinchanging in your family line, if possible.You are never to compete in a melee or tourney.If you pass the sentence, you must swing the sword.You are tasked to protect the North from any wildling invasion.You are never to ignore a call for aid from the Nights Watch.There must always be a Stark at Winterfell.Under no circumstance will you convert your religion or your culture. You are a descendant of the Winter Kings of old.Character: Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell.You are a son of the North…and winter is coming. You will demand a trial by combat! Yours is the blood of the First Men. You will not die a prisoner of corrupt and ignoble wretches. You will not let a false dishonor define you. A newfound determination floods through your veins. In the darkness of your cell, time has lost all meaning and you wonder if the gods have abandoned you. In the attempt to address the true line of succession and declare Lord Stannis Baratheon heir to the Iron Throne, the Small Council betrays you and imprisons you in the dungeons of the Red Keep. To your horror, the king tragically suffered a mortal injury on a recent boar hunt and has named you Lord Protector of the Realm before dying from his wounds. In a show of mercy, you have offered Queen Cersei an opportunity to flee the city before incurring the wrath of the king…which she flatly rejected. Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen Baratheon are all bastards and abominations of incest between Cersei Lannister and the Kingslayer. You have discovered a shocking truth that King Robert has sired no trueborn issue of his body. Suspicious of the death of your predecessor and friend, Lord Jon Arryn, you have spent weeks retracing his final steps. You are Eddard Stark: Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North, and Hand of the King.